Методичка по английскому языку. Методичка по лексике1


    Методичка - I ж. разг. Преподавательница методики. II ж. разг. Методическое пособие. Толковый словарь Ефремовой. Т. Ф. Ефремова. 2000 … Современный толковый словарь русского языка Ефремовой

    методичка - метод ичка, и, род. п. мн. ч. чек … Русский орфографический словарь

    методичка - и; ж. Разг. Методическое пособие. Составлять методичку. Работать по методичке … Энциклопедический словарь

    методичка - и; ж.; разг. Методическое пособие. Составлять методичку. Работать по методичке … Словарь многих выражений

    методичка - МЕТОДИЧКА, и, мн род. чек, дат. чкам. Разг. Методическое пособие: средство обучения какому л. предмету (обычно в высшем учебном заведении) небольшая книжка, в которой содержатся минимальные сведения, помогающие студенту в освоении какого л. курса … Толковый словарь русских существительных

    Перекристаллизация - Перекристаллизация метод очистки вещества, основанный на различии растворимости вещества в растворителе при различных температурах (обычно интервал температур от комнатной до температуры кипения растворителя, если растворитель … Википедия

    Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации - ЦА Минобороны России, ЦА МО РФ … Википедия

    ЦАМО - Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации (ЦАМО РФ) ведомственный архив Российской Федерации, в котором хранятся документы различных штабов и управлений, объединений и соединений, частей, учреждений и военно учебных заведений… … Википедия

    Натриевая соль пропилового эфира пара-оксибензойной кислоты - Химичес … Википедия

    Яшин, Илья - Член президиума движения Солидарность Член РПР ПАРНАС, член президиума движения Солидарность, бывший сопредседатель общероссийского Молодежного Яблока, бывший член бюро Московского регионального отделения РДП Яблоко (исключен из партии в… … Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров


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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РФ ПЕНЗЕНСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ по английскому языку для студентов I курса всех факультетов (часть 1) Пенза 1997 Методические указания предназначены для студентов I курса всех специальностей. Предлагается материал по темам «Образование в России и за рубежом», «Ученые и их вклад в мировую науку», «Изобретения и изобретатели», «Научно-технический прогресс», «Экология». Материал организован циклами. В состав каждого цикла входят словарь активной лексики, тексты, упражнения на отработку грамматического и лексического материала, задания для работы над текстом. Тексты и упражнения способствуют развитию навыков зрелого чтения и умения обсуждать прочитанное. Методические указания составлены на кафедре «Иностранные языки» ПГТУ. Составители: Т.В.Сергееева, Т.Н.Кондрашина, Г.В.Барышникова, А.И.Жолнерик, О.П.Миханова Рецензент: Е.У.Шадрина, канд. филолог. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Пензенского гос. пед. ун-та Unit 1 HIGHER EDUCATION IN RUSSIA. Грамматика Система времен. Порядок слов в английском предложении. Вопросительные предложения. Тексты 1A. Penza State University 1В. Higher School and Ways to Science 1С. Moscow University its Past and Present 1D. Higher Education in Russia Словарь активной лексики 1. academic year – учебный год 2. associate [ə’souʃiit] professor – доцент 3. author [‘ɔ:Ɵə] – автор co-author [‘kou’ɔ:Ɵə] – соавтор 4. to carry out – выполнять, проводить 5. to design – конструировать 6. dormitory [‘dɔ:mitri] – общежитие syn. hall of residence 7. education – образование, обучение full-time education – очное обучение extra-mural education – заочное обучение 8. to enter – поступать (в учебное заведение) 9. to equip – оборудовать 10. facilities – благоприятные условия, оборудование 11. to graduate from [‘grжdjueit] – оканчивать учебное заведение graduate [‘grжdjuit] – выпускник undergraduate [ʌndə’grжdjuit] – студент последнего курса post-graduate [‘pəust’grжdjuit] – аспирант 12. humanities – гуманитарные дисциплины 13. to investigate – исследовать investigation – исследование syn. research 3 14. machine-tool – станок 15. necessary [‘nesisəri] – необходимый 16. polytechnic [,pɔli’teknik] – политехнический институт 17. scholarship [‘skɔləʃip] – стипендия 18. science [‘saiəns] – наука 19. society – общество 20. student [‘stju:dənt] – студент 21. to study [ʼstʌdi] – учиться 22. subject – учебный предмет 23. successful – успешный 24. technique – техника, технический прием, способ 25. term – семестр 26. thesis (-es) [‘Ɵi:sis] (-i:z) – диссертация (ии) 27. training appliance [‘treiniɳ ə’plaiəns] – учебное пособие 28. university [,ju:ni’və:siti] – университет 29. workshop [‘wə:kʃop] – мастерская I. а). Прочитайте интернациональные слова, догадайтесь об их значении. audio-visual [‘ɔ:diou ‘vizjuəl]; automation [‘ɔtə’meiʃən]; bureau ; candidate [‘kжndidit]; career ; centre [‘sentə]; certificate ; computer ; consultation [,kɔnsəl’teiʃn]; course [‘kɔ:s]; culture [‘kʌltʃə]; department ; diploma ; economics [,i:kə’nɔmiks]; experimental ; faculty [‘fжkəlti]; final [ʼfainl]; information [,infə’meiʃən]; institute [‘institju:t]; laboratory ; lecture [‘lektʃə]; management [‘mжnidʒmənt], problem [‘prɔbləm]; project [‘prɔdʒekt]; qualified [‘kwɔlifaid]; region [‘ri:dʒən]; seminar [‘semina:]; specialist [‘speʃəlist]; status [‘steitəs]; technical [‘teknikəl] б). Обратите внимание на произношение и значение следующих слов: activity [жk’tiviti] – деятельность design – конструировать engineering [,endʒi’niəriɳ] – техника instrument [‘instrumənt] – прибор II. Прочитайте и переведите группы однокоренных слов: 4 design – designer – designing; educate – education – educational equip – equipment; experiment – experimentalize – experimentally – experimentation – experimenter; graduate – graduation; investigate – investigation – investigator – investigative; manage – manager – management; practice – practical – practically – practise; science – scientific – scientist; success – successful – succeed; supervise – supervisor – supervision. III. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания на русский язык: higher school, full university status, candidate of science, doctor of science, lecture-hall, winter term, spring term, final term, general engineering subject, special subject, graduation project, graduation diploma, post-graduate course, full-time student, extra-mural student, field of science, leading scientist, scientific research work, scientific investigation, scientific conference, Students’ Scientific Society, research methods. IV. Соедините слова в логические словосочетания и пере-ведите их: a) carry out, design, enter, equip, investigate; b) instruments, laboratories, problems, research, a university. V. Прочитайте и переведите предложения. Преобразуйте их в вопросительные и отрицательные по образцу. Model These students study well. Do these students study well? These students do not study well. 1. I study English and French. 2. They attend English classes regularly. 3. Bob and Mike often miss lectures. 4. These students make reports at scientific conferences every year. 5. We study at the instrument-making faculty. 5 Model He studies German at the University. Does he study German at the University? He does not study German at the University. 1. She shows brilliant progress in her studies. 2. Professor Ivanov works at our University. 3. He makes a lot of experiments. 4. Roger likes philosophy very much. 5. Helen makes reports at students’ scientific conferences every year. Model She studied English at school. Did she study English at school? She did not study English at school. 1. They entered the University three years ago. 2. He defended his thesis for a scientific degree last month. 3. She failed her English exam yesterday. 4. They began to study English at the University. 5. Our descriptive geometry teacher gave a consultation to our group yesterday. I went to the library the day before yesterday. Model They will have two lectures tomorrow. Will they have two lectures tomorrow? They will not have two lectures tomorrow. 1. He will take a post-graduate course after graduating from the University. 2. The academic year will finish at the end of June. 3. We shall discuss this question at our seminar tomorrow. 4. Extra-mural students will study on Sunday. 5. I shall finish this work next week. Model They are taking their mathematics exam now. 1. We are doing grammar exercises now. 2. exam now? They are not taking at Are they taking their mathematics He is working at this problem present. 3. Itheir mathematics examexercise. 4. Sam was writing down the data am doing a grammar now. during the experiment. 5. They were working at 6 o’clock yesterday. 6. She will be working at her graduation project the whole evening tomorrow. 7. They will 6 be analysing the results of the experiment after they finish their work. Model They have translated the text. Have they translated the text? The have not translated the text. 1. He has done all his homework. 2. We have finished discussing the problem. 3. The conference had begun by the time we came. 4. They had arranged everything for the experiment by 2 o’clock yesterday. 5. Ann will have finished her work by 5 o’clock tomorrow. VI. Определите время сказуемого и переведите предложения. 1. She failed her exams and will take them again. 2. She is studying to become an engineer. 3. He has always wanted to apply for Moscow State University. 4. In Britain the academic year runs from October to July. 5. When we came to the laboratory the experiment had already started. 6. What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday? – I was writing my course paper. 7. We’ll be discussing this question at our seminar tomorrow morning. 8. Professor Brown is delivering a lecture to the undergraduate students now. 9. By the beginning of the academic year all the class-rooms, lecture-halls, laboratories and workshops will have been repaired. 10. I have carried out my laboratory work and now I am going home. 11. She went to the library yesterday. 12. Last night he completed the experiment which he had begun some months before. 13. I was reading when you rang me up. I was reading a difficult English text then. 14. Students who are interested in science join the Students’ Scientific Society. 15. Will they publish the results of their researches? VII. Определите глагольную форму. Добавьте возможное обстоятельство времени из предложенных ниже. 1. ... he comes to the University in time. 2. I have not seen him at the University ... . 3. Where is Helen? – She is working in the library ... . 4. The lecture had been over ... . 5. They had no lessons ... . 6. He will be taking his mathematics exam again ... . 7. ... he works much at his thesis. ... he worked 10 hours a day. Now he has an interval in his work. ... he will continue his work. usually: now; as a rule; for the last few days; by 3 o’clock yesterday; last week; yesterday; when I met you; in some days, at 3 o’clock tomorrow. VIII. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени. 7 1. He (attend) all lectures regularly. 2. We already (decide) to join the Students’ Scientific Society of our University. 3. The students of our group (carry out) a laboratory test now. 4. I left the library after I (finish) reading the book. 5. They (write) a test in English next week. 6. The lessons at our University (begin) at 8 a.m. 7. By the end of the year they (graduate) from the University. 8. All my friends (pass) their examinations well last week. 9. When we came to the dormitory to visit our friends, Irene (translate) a text and Ann (write) a letter to her parents. IX. Перестройте русские предложения в соответствии со строгим порядком слов в английском предложении. 1. Для меня очень трудны эти упражнения. 2. Завтра на научной студенческой конференции доклад будет делать мой друг. 3. Экзамены студенты сдают в конце каждого семестра. 4. Над английским он должен много работать. 5. Эту статью она вчера начала переводить на английский язык. X. Составьте предложения из заданных слов. Полученные предложения переведите. 1. year; has; new; the; begun; academic. 2. begins; year; the; in; usually; third; specialization. 3. present; 8.300; at; our; study; university; at; about; students. 4. is; university; a; he; the; at; student; full-time. XI. Задайте все возможные вопросы к следующим предложениям. 1. Paul attends lectures at the Institute every day. 2. They have always passed examinations successfully. 3. Peter is translating a new text. 4. They took the books from the library of our University. 5. Our lectures begin at 8 o’clock in the morning. 6. I shall have an English class tomorrow. 7. She has entered the Institute this year. 8. We are listening to the teacher. TEXT 1A Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. PENZA STATE UNIVERSITY 8 Penza State University is one of the greatest and prestigious higher schools in the Volga region. The history of Penza State University dates back to 1943, when, during the Great Patriotic War, Odessa Industrial Institute was evacuated to Penza. So the University was founded as a polytechnic on the basis of the Odessa Industrial Institute. Since that time the University has grown into the centre of education, culture and science. Full University status was awarded in 1993. At present about 10.000 students study at the University, more than 600 teachers, associate professors and professors are on its staff. 360 of them are candidates and doctors of science. The University is housed in 10 buildings. The class-rooms and lecture- halls, the laboratories and workshops are equipped with up-to-date instruments, computers, machine-tools, audio-visuals and other training appliances. There is a rich library, 4 reading-rooms, a dining hall, 5 dormitories and a sports complex at the disposal of students. So the University has all the facilities necessary for successful studies and rest. Today Penza State University is made up of 11 main faculties: machine- building automation, instrument-making, radio-electronics, computer science, automation and information technology, economics and management and others. The University has also an extra-mural department, a preparatory course department and continuing education courses. The course of training includes various activities. During the academic year students attend lectures and seminars, carry out laboratory tests and get consultations from the teachers. At the end of each term they take examinations. The students who make good progress in their studies are entitled to scholarships. The course is divided into two stages. In the first and second years students study general engineering subjects (mathematics, physics, descriptive geometry) and some humanities (history, philosophy, foreign languages). It gives a solid basis of general education to future specialists. Special subjects are taught in senior courses. Much attention is paid to practical instruction. Students gain practical experience at plants, research institutes and design bureaus of the city. During the final term undergraduates carry out their graduation projects. They defend them before an examination board and become graduates. At the end of the university course they receive graduation diplomas and go to work to different branches of engineering. II Those graduates who wish to make scientific careers may stay at the University and apply for post-graduate courses. The University has both full- 9 time and extra-mural courses of post-graduate training where they carry on scientific research. Their supervisors are Doctors of Sciences. On completing their work they submit theses for a scientific degree. Penza State University is a famous centre of science. The major part of scientific research work is done by the teaching staff. Students may also take part in scientific investigation. Many of the University"s leading scientists try to attract as many students as possible to their own field of science. Students may join the Students" Scientific Society to investigate scientific problems, carry on research in experimental laboratories, design up-to-date instruments, learn modern research methods. Once a year the Students" Scientific Society members make reports at scientific conferences. Some students take part in the competition "For the Best Scientific Work of Students” and win diplomas, medals and prizes there. Quite often our students become co-authors of inventions made by the University scientists and get author"s certificates. Since its foundation, the University has trained lots of highly-qualified professionals able to work is various fields of science and engineering. Задание 2. Найдите в тексте 1A английские эквиваленты для следующих слов и словосочетаний: 1. аудитория, современные приборы, в распоряжении студентов, подготовительные курсы, курсы повышения квалификации, показывать хорошие результаты в учебе, прочная основа общего образования, старшие курсы, практическая подготовка, приобретать опыт. 2. научная карьера, научный руководитель, принимать участие в научных исследованиях, привлечь как можно больше студентов, вступить в научное студенческое общество, члены научного студенческого общества, высококвалифицированные профессионалы. Задание 3. а). Прочитайте и переведите толкование некоторых слов по теме "Education": 1) educational certificate of proficiency; 2) talk for the purpose of teaching; 3) testing of knowledge or ability; 4) payment of money to a student; 5) person who is studying at a college, institute, polytechnic or university; 6) theory put forward and supported by arguments submitted for a scientific degree; 7) group studying a problem and meeting for discussion with a teacher; 8) institution for advanced teaching, conferring degrees and engaging in academic research. 10

Методическая разработка «Тематические тексты с упражнениями» по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов очного отделения рассмотрена и одобрена на заседании цикловой комиссии гуманитарных дисциплин Кировского филиала МИИТ
Протокол №____ от ____________________
Председатель ЦК _______________ Л.Л.Гогулина

Автор методической разработки «Тематические тексты с упражнениями» по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов очного отделеия– преподаватель Кировского филиала МИИТ Л.А.Чешуина

(дата, подпись)

Рецензент методической разработки «Тематические тексты с упражнениями» по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов очного отделения преподавателя Кировского филиала МИИТ Л.А.Чешуиной – преподаватель Кировского филиала МИИТ Л.М. Казакова


(дата, подпись)

Учебное пособие подготовлено в соответствии с государственным образовательным стандартом и отвечает требованиям программы по дисциплине «Английский язык» для средних специальных учебных заведений.

Цель пособия – развить у учащихся навыки чтения и перевода, извлечения, обработки и передачи информации на английском языке.

Тематические тексты, разнообразные лексические и речевые упражнения и диалоги сгруппированы вокруг актуальных для повседневного общения тем.

Структурное построение каждой темы максимально способствует активизации различных видов речи в разнообразных коммуникативных условиях с учетом адресата и ситуации общения.


Ex .1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Why is it important to learn foreign languages?

  2. What foreign languages can you speak?

  3. How many of them would you like to know?

  4. Why are foreign languages socially demanded today?

  5. Is it difficult to learn languages? Why?

b) Придумайте название тексту.

At the present time foreign languages are socially demanded. Foreign languages are needed as the main and the most efficient means of information exchange of the people of our planet. The question of learning foreign languages is very important today.

English is just one of 3,000 languages in the world. One billion people speak English. That’s 20 per cent of the world population. It is also one of the leading languages in the world. About 400 million people speak English as their first language. About the same number use it as a second language. It is the language of aviation, international sport and pop music.

English is the official language in 44 countries, where it is used in education and administration. They are Great Britain, Canada, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and some other countries. In many countries it is the language of business, commerce and technology. English is the language of modern computing.

Nearly 50 per cent of all the companies in Europe communicate with each other in English. 75 per cent of the world’s mail is in English, too. Standard English is not completely uniform. There are differences between the national standards in Britain, America and Australia.

Russia is integrating into the world community and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is especially urgent today. English is very popular in international business of Russia. It is studied at schools, colleges and universities.
Ex .3. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What is the role of English among other foreign languages?

  2. How many people speak English?

  3. Why has English become a world language?

  4. Where is English an official language?

  5. Why are millions of people learning English today?

  6. Why do young people want to learn English?

  7. Why do you learn English?

  8. What is the best way to learn a language?

  9. What is the most important thing for you in learning a foreign language?

  10. Is your written English better than spoken English?

  11. What is your mother tongue?

Ex .4. a ) Составьте предложения по образцу.

Образец : Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

Amsterdam, Havana, Dublin, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Kiev, Sofia, Warsaw, Budapest, Athens, Washington, Teheran, Bucharest, Baghdad, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo, Stockholm.
b) Do you know that Canada has two official languages?

English is the mother tongue of about 59 per cent of Canadians; and French is the first language of 23 per cent of the population. A full 18 per cent have either more than one mother tongue or a mother tongue other than English or French, such as Chinese, Italian, German, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Arabic, Dutch, Greek, Vietnamese or other languages.
Ex .5.

In my opinion, learning foreign languages is extremely beneficial. It’s not surprising because Russia is now part of Europe and the whole world. Very little clear and detailed communication can occur among people who don’t have a common language. Besides learning foreign languages helps us to gain a better appreciation of our own language. I believe that knowledge of foreign languages helps to make a person educated and well-rounded. And it is not only the language that counts, but also the fact that it is a way of getting to know different cultures. You can’t broaden your mind if you see the world only from the perspective of your own culture.

Some people think that it will be better to have only one language on our planet because in this case communication will become easier and there will be no need to learn foreign languages. But in my opinion, having only one language is a disaster because it will reduce the diversity of our planet, which is the key to our survival. I think we should try our best to preserve all languages on our planet because a language is the main part of people’s culture and without languages we will lose our great cultural heritage.

As for me, I learn English because it expands my horizons and prepares me for a successful career. If you know English, you can get a better job, more money and people will respect you more. Besides, English attracts me because it’s the language of business and computers. English is also very useful when you travel abroad. When you speak English to people, they’re often a lot more friendly and helpful. More than that, learning English is a good exercise for the intellect, though, of course, it’s a tricky language to learn because there seems to be more exceptions than rules.

I think I’m a good language learner because I’m independent, organized and active. I don’t expect to learn English just by sitting in the classroom so I always look for opportunities to develop my language outside the classroom, for example, I read English books and I use different educational programmes which I can find on the Internet. I try to find out what works for me and what doesn’t. Some students think that being able to communicate is the most important in learning a language and they do not care that they make many mistakes in speaking. As for me, I’m concerned with both communicating and accuracy.

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why do so many people learn English today?

2. Do you agree that language diversity is ‘the key to our survival’? Why?

3. How many languages do you think are enough for the world? Why?

4. Will English become a global language? Why?

5. Do you like learning English or not? Why?

Ex .6 . Обсудите в группах (3-5 студентов) необходимость изучения иностранного языка. Оформите в виде таблицы все «за» и «против».



1. …

1. …

Ex .1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие выражения:
Meeting people Знакомство

What’s your name, please? - Как вас зовут?

What’s your occupation/ job? - Кем вы работаете?/

Чем занимаетесь?

Are you a student/ teacher? - Вы студент/ учитель?

How old are you? - Сколько вам лет?

Where are you from? - Откуда вы?

I’m seventeen (years old). - Мне 17 лет.

I am from Russia/ Canada/ the - Я из России/ Канады/

I’m on business/ on holiday/ va- - Я здесь в деловой

cation here. поездке/ на каникулах/

провожу отпуск.
Greeting Приветствие

How do you do? - Здравствуй(те) (при

знакомстве, первой встрече).

Hello/ Hi! - Здравствуй(те)/Привет!

Good morning/ afternoon/ - Доброе утро/ день/вечер.

How are you?/ How are things - Как поживаешь?/ Как дела?

Fine, thanks. - Спасибо, прекрасно.

Everything is OK, thank you. – Спасибо, все хорошо.

So-so. – Неважно./ Так себе.

Ex.2.a) Прочитайте диалоги в парах.

A: Hi, meet my friend Ann. She is Russian.

B: Hello, Ann!

A: Ann is a student from the Academy of Labour and Social Relations.

B: Nice to meet you.

A: I’m glad to meet you, too.

A: Hello! How are you?

B: I’m fine, thank you, and you?

A: Very well, too. Thanks. See you later.

B: Bye.

A: Who are you?

B: I am Jim Brown.

A: And who is that boy?

B: It’s Tom Brown, my brother.

A: And who is that girl reading a newspaper?

B: The girl who is reading a newspaper is Mary Brown, my sister.

A: Is James Brown any relation to you?

B: Yes, he is my son.

A: Is Alice Hall any relation to your wife?

B: Yes, she is her niece.

A: Are you any relation to Sam Brown?

B: Oh, no! We are just namesakes! (однофамильцы).
b ) Составьте свой диалог, используя фразы знакомства и приветствия.
Ex .3. Сопоставьте вопросы слева с ответами справа.
1.Where are you from? a) How do you do?

2. Where is my pen? b) Fine, thank you.

3. Who’s your doctor? c) 32 Green Street.

4. What’s your name? d) Not bad, thanks.

5. What do you do? e) It’s under your book.

6. How do you do? f) John Harris.

7. How are you? g) Spain.

8. And you? h) Doctor Wagner.

9. What is your address? i) I’m a student.
Ex . 4. Закончите диалоги, переведите предложения на английский язык, где необходимо.

  1. - Добрый день! Как дела!
- Fine, thank you. And you?

Все в порядке, благодарю вас.

  1. – Let me introduce my friend to you. This is Mr Brown.
- Здравствуйте, господин Браун.

I’m happy to meet you, too.

  1. – It’s a fine day today.
- Вы правы, сегодня прекрасный день.


Figure (фигура)

Complexion (цвет лица)

Face (лицо)

Chin (подбородок)

Hair (волосы)

  1. curly- кудрявые;

  2. smooth - гладкие;

  3. straight/wavy - прямые \волнистые;

  4. long - длинные

  5. short – короткие

  6. shoulder-long – по плечи

  7. fringe - челка

Eyes (глаза)

Nose (нос)

What can be found on the face :


to wear spectacles


носить очки


Ex . 1. Сопоставьте следующие слова.

  1. plump, skinny, slim

  2. silky, smooth, curly

  3. pale, thin, long

  4. hazel, black, green

  5. snub, straight, bulbous

  6. chestnut, dark, fair

  7. double, pointed, round

  • a. face

  • b. hair colour

  • c. figure

  • d.hair

  • e. nose

  • f. eyes

  • g. chin

Ex . 2. Переведите следующие выражения на русский язык.

  1. hazel eyes 10. a short curly fringe

  2. a turned up nose 11. a man with a long moustache

  3. a pointed chin 12. a wrinkled face

  4. short, dark, curly hair 13. to have a long face

  5. wavy shoulder-length hair 14. a man of medium-height

  6. good-humored round face

  7. darken eyelashes with mascara

  8. a skinny figure

  9. a deep scar
Ex .3. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
My name is Ann. I am seventeen. I live in Rostov-on-Don.

Федеральное государственное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования

«Оскольский политехнический колледж»

И.Н. Федотова


Методические указания

По аудиторному и внеаудиторному чтению, развитию навыков письма и устной речи

Старый Оскол 2011


  1. Я и моя семья
  2. Обучение в колледже. Изучение иностранных языков
  3. Россия. Города России
  4. Путешествие по странам изучаемого языка
  5. Культура стран изучаемого языка
  6. Научно-технический прогресс. Современные технологии
  7. Природа и экология
  8. Проблемы молодежи
  9. Спорт. Здоровье

Список использованных источников


Text 1. I and my family

block of flats - многоквартирный дом

conveniences - удобства

competitive - соперничающий, конкурирующий

easy-going - общительный

to quarrel - ссориться

tremendous - огромный

stamina - выносливость, стойкость, выдержка

obsessive - одержимый

long-lasting - длительный

to appreciate - оценивать

caring - заботливый

ambition - честолюбие, стремление

shepherd dog - овчарка

to associate - ассоциироваться

to convert - превращать

majestic - волшебный

Armoury Chamber - Оружейная палата

Monomach - Мономах

Hello! Let me introduce myself to you. I"m Alexander, Alex for short. I live in Moscow. I"m a student of the 11th grade. We are a family of four my mother, my father, my elder brother and me. We live in a block of flats on the tenth floor. There are three rooms in our flat and we have all modern conveniences. I share a room with my elder brother. My brother is a student. We don"t have any secrets from each other. We get on very well with my brother. Sometimes I even borrow his clothes and he never gets annoyed. We don"t feel competitive because we have different interests. I"m more academic and he"s more artistic. But we are fond of sports very much. We both go to the swimming pool twice a week. It helps us to keep fit, it gives us good stamina, and it"s good for our hearts and lungs. We hardly ever quarrel or fight. My brother never sees me as being in the way. I think I"m quite easy-going. I"m similar in personality to my mother. She is always very friendly to all although she can be quite critical of people. I like to be friendly to the people around me, and I don"t normally like to let my bad moods and anger inside me come out and affect other people. I don"t know if I"m particularly obsessive.

I like to do different things. I am fond of collecting different things. One day I collect toy cars, the other day I want to collect badges. But most of all I prefer collecting stamps because it"s a family hobby. You can learn a tremendous amount through stamps, especially about history. Stamps are a great way to bring history. All the members of my family collect stamps and the theme of our collection is history. It is a long-lasting hobby and who knows - in 20 years or so it may have become an impressive collection that can be appreciated and enjoyed by my own children too.

I have grandparents, my mother"s parents. They don"t live with us, but I often visit them. They live a very routine life but they like it. I can"t put my finger on their flat exactly, but there is some atmosphere in their house like nothing has changed for twenty years. My parents are doctors and they work in the hospital. They are very giving, caring persons and always consider those around them. They work very hard in their hospital and really put all their energy in their work. They are very much in love, even after years of being married and always caring for each other. My parents have warm friendly eyes and always express a spirit of goodwill towards people.

I love my parents very much and my ambition is to be a doctor too, because I want to help people if they have some problems with their health. I am originally became interested in medicine during my 9th grade, when I realized that my skills and my traits would serve me well in my future career. Besides I"m good at Chemistry, Biology and History and they are my favourite subjects. I"m not very good at English but I understand that it is one of the most important subjects now, and I try my best to improve it.

We have a pet. It"s a dog. Her name is Sunny. Her mother is Scotch shepherd dog. I am never lonely with my pet. She is a great favourite with everyone in our family. All people admire her. She wears a good collar with her name. She especially likes morning walks with my father.

My native city is Moscow. Many people associate Moscow with the Kremlin and Red Square as the heart of the city. It is really the oldest historic and architectural centre of Moscow and my favourite place in Moscow, because it"s connected with the history of my country.

Nowadays the Moscow Kremlin with all the beauty of the palaces and cathedrals is a wonderful sight. All these cathedrals have been converted into museums. Ivan the Great Bell Tower, one of the most remarkable structures of the 16th century, rises in the centre of the Kremlin. It unites all the Kremlin Cathedrals into a majestic ensemble.

One of the well-known Kremlin museums is the Armoury Chamber. It was built in 1851. The famous golden cap of Monomach, the first Russian imperial crown of Catherine II made of silver, and many other precious historic items are exhibited there. So when you come to my native city, I"ll show you all interesting and amazing sights of it.

1. Where and when were you born? 2. How old are you now? 3. What can you tell us about your flat? 4. What is your hobby? 5. What is your ambition? 6. What can you tell us about your nearest and dearest? 7. What are your parents? 8. What subjects are you good at? 9. What are your favourite subjects at school? 10. What do you know about the historic places of Moscow?

Text 2. Our flat

is centrally heated - имеет центральное отопление

facilities - оборудование

storage space - место для хранения

football pitch - футбольное поле

hi-fi system - музыкальный центр

visible - видимый

advantage - преимущество

to separate - разделять

double-glazing - двойные стекла

sunlight - солнечный свет

spirit - дух, моральная сила

successful career woman - женщина с успешной карьерой

software designer - разработчик программного обеспечения

cosy - уютный

I live in Moscow in a block of flats. It"s a typical Moscow 16-storey building. We don"t live in the centre of Moscow, but we live not far from the metro station. It takes us 10 minutes to get to the centre of the city. There are three rooms in our flat and we have all modern conveniences. The building is centrally heated; there is cold and hot running water in our flat. We have good kitchen and bathroom facilities really. There is a big living room and two bedrooms in our flat. My brother and I share one big bedroom. We have two beds, a couple of very comfortable chairs and a lot of storage space for us to keep our things. In the hall there is a little corner where our computers live. And in the living room there is a video, a very good hi-fi system and a fantastic television. Our windows look down on a football pitch, which is occasionally used by schoolchildren. A lot of trees are visible from our windows and we can see the top of the church too.

One of the great advantages of our flat is that our block of flats isn"t next to any big roads. So we get virtually no noise from outside. Well, there are two layers of glass separating us from the outside world, a kind of double-glazing. We live on the 11th floor. And I like living high up, because a lot of light comes in. I like to have more sunlight, I think it"s healthy for the spirit.

My mother always keeps fresh flowers in our flat. I like flowers very much and so does my brother. They make our flat feel alive. My mother waters them regularly, and I think they are happy, as they are well taken care of.

My mother is a successful career woman, and my father is a software designer. There is always a very nice family atmosphere in our flat. Our parents are very friendly. And besides, every little detail, every picture on the walls, every vase of flowers gives the place a homely atmosphere. So I can say that our flat is very cosy.

  1. Answer the following questions:

1. Where do you live? 2. How many floors are there in your block of flats? 3. What floor do you live on? 4. What modern conveniences do you have in your flat? 5. How many rooms are there in your flat? 6. What furniture is there in your flat? 7. Are there fresh flowers in your flat? 8. Is your flat comfortable and cosy?

Text 3. Family and family values

research - исследование

household - семья, домашне хозяйство

generation - поколение

to share - делить

dream - мечта

dweller - обитатель, жилец

privacy - личная жизнь

extended family - семья из нескольких поколений

trust - доверие

to bother - беспокоиться

trouble - проблема

valuable - значимый, ценный

hope - надежда

possession - собственность

protection - зашита

to respect - уважать

dignity - чувство собственного достоинства

school certificate - школьный аттестат

lo cheat - обманывать

to bridge - наводить мосты, преодолевать препятствия

generation gap - конфликт между поколениями

agreement - соглашение

A family is an essential part of our society and I think everyone wants to have a happy family. Firstly, I believe that a happy family should have things sharing together like dreams and hopes, not only possessions. I think it"s great. Secondly a happy family is a place where respect dwells, a place where all members can enjoy the dignity of their own personalities. But in my opinion, love and trust are more important for a happy family than any other values, because without love happiness is impossible. If you love each other, then all obstacles will be overcome, and all gentle words will be found, and this cruel world will turn to you with a kind smile.

There are a lot of problems in an extended family, especially between brothers and sisters. They always treat one another badly. Of course, if you have a lot of brothers and sisters, there will be no privacy. But on the other hand, when you have no brothers or sisters, life becomes boring.

There are a lot of problems and conflicts that appear between teenagers and their parents. They don"t understand each other.

Parents always want their children to be clever and learn harder. They don"t bother themselves to understand their children. They are always glad when their children have trouble with things that are very valuable for them.

Parents always cheat teenagers. They say that school is very important for us and to enter an institute we should have good marks in our school-leaving certificates.

But it"s not what the children want. I think that it is necessary to bridge the generation gap, and parents and children must come to an agreement.

I think that having a good family is very important in our life because it is like a friendly port for us when the waves of life become too wild. We need a family, for comfort and protection. For example, when I have some problems, my family always take my word against anybody else"s. And I"m sure I can always rely on their help. Besides, I think that it"s lovely to have the family round you and to know they are interested in you. You will never feel lonely.

  1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a generation gap? 2. How should we overcome it? 3. What family is extended? 4. Do you agree that an extended family is better? 5. Is your family an extended one or not? 6. What problems are there in an extended family? 7. Do you agree that parents often cheat you? 8. Do you think that a school certificate with good results is important?

Text 4. Household Chores

welfare - благосостояние

household chores - домашние обязанности

responsibility - ответственность

basically - в основном

bathroom appliances - оборудование для ванной

tile - кафель

to accept - принимать

shocking - шокирующий

to outrage - нарушать закон, поступать возмутительно

duty - обязанность

to bring up - воспитывать

to fall into the hands - ложиться на плечи

to share - делить

to smother - подавлять

versatile - разносторонний

to mind - возражать

washing up - мытье посуды

to tidy - убирать

to make one"s bed - стелить кровать

to kill one"s back - повредить спину

to create - создавать

fairly equally - в равной степени справедливо

to stick - приклеиваться

unequal - неравный

Any family is in charge of the welfare, comfort, health, success in work and good relations of every member in the family.

There are stereotypical responsibilities of the husband, the wife and the children. They say that the wife"s responsibilities are, basically, to do everything. The typical role of husband is that he goes out to work and earns money for the family. Maybe, at the weekend he cleans his car and does more technical things around the house. Lots of people in Britain are really into DIY, that"s do-it-yourself, and they try to make furniture, put their own bathroom appliances, put tiles on the bathroom walls themselves, etc.

In many countries now it"s more accepted that a woman can have a family and a career, whereas before it was seen as something shocking, and men were outraged that their children would be left with strangers, and thought that it was the wife"s duty to bring them up. I think that"s all changed now. I think responsibility for all of the important aspects of life should be shared by both of the parents, especially bringing up the children. I think that the care and early education of children shouldn"t only fall into the hands of the mother, but that the father should also take an active part.

I think that children should be given as much responsibility as they"d like to take on from as early as possible. I don"t think that they should be too smothered by parents and have everything done for them if they can do things for themselves. It"s very good for a child to learn to be able to take care of himself and his things. Of course, the more things he can do, the more versatile person he can become.

As for me, I have always been conscious that the interests of my family ought to be more important than my own wishes and desires, such as buying expensive new things or hanging around with some pals. I don"t mind this because I like household chores. In our family I do a lot of things, because my parents usually work. I do most of the washing up, tidy my room and make my bed. I often go shopping. Cleaning the room is probably the best one, and the worst I think is cleaning the bath, because it kills your back. My father and I try to help my mother to do the chores. Everyone in the family is responsible for cleaning and repairing things when they have free time. In order to have a loving family every person ought to do the chores. That is the way I see it.

If I were married, I"d like to create a situation where all of these tasks would be shared fairly equally between me and my husband. Of course, if I like doing some things more and my husband would like other things more, this would be OK. I don"t like the situation that my husband goes out to work every day, and I would be just stuck inside the house looking after children, keeping the clothes clean and cooking. This seems very unequal to me.

  1. Answer the following questions:

1. What are your household chores? 2. Are they difficult? 3. What are your parents" household chores? 4. Who will fulfil household chores in your future family? 5. What is an ideal situation concerning household chores in the family? 6. Who shares responsibility in your family? Why?

Hello! Do you have grandparents?

Yes, I"m a lucky one. I have two grannies and two grandpas. And you?

So do I. Let"s talk about our grandparents.

OK. I"d like to tell you about my mother"s father. He is a very interesting man for me. He has a very big garden, and he keeps bees, five bee hives. Once I organized an excursion to his hives. It was interesting to watch his work with his hives.

Did you taste honey?

Sure. He gave us fresh honey with tea. All my classmates were very glad to taste it.

It"s very interesting. And I"d like to tell you about my father"s mother. She has a piano, and she is a very good musician. When she was young, she used to go to different parts of our country with the concerts. I think that my musical ability comes from her. Now she doesn"t have concerts, she daily teaches me to play the piano. I"m very thankful to her.

OK. Thank you for our talk. Maybe I"ll come to your place to listen to your granny.

Maybe. And I"d like to go to the country to see your grandpa"s hives. Bye.

What flat do you live in?

It"s rather large and comfortable. And a good thing about our flat is that the kitchen is rather big.

Who do you live there with?

I live there with my parents and my elder sister. And you?

I live with my parents and grandparents.

Are they still working?

No, they are on pension.

And where do they live?

In a country house, not very far from Moscow. It takes me 35 minutes to get to the downtown.

Do you have all modern conveniences?

Sure. And our house is rather big. It"s a two-storey building. I have a room of my own there. There is a big living room and a kitchen, but the bathroom is not very large.

I"d like to come to your place. Can I do it tomorrow?

Of course. Write down my address. See you tomorrow at 5 pm.


Text 1. Ann’s college

currently - в настоящее время

to be enrolled - числиться в списках студентов

full-time students - студенты дневного отделения

part time-students - студенты вечернего отделения

course of study - курс обучения

industrial automation - промышленная автоматика

robotics - робототехника

plastics - пластмассы

machine-tools - станки

metalworking - металлообработка

noisy - шумный

to chat - беседовать, болтать

to be equipped with - быть оборудованным

up-to-date equipment - современное оборудование

carry on - проводить

research work - исследовательская работа

one-storeyed - одноэтажное

tasty - вкусный

affordable - доступная (to afford - позволять)

classroom - класс, аудитория
