Скачать мод индастриал крафт пе.

IndustrialCraft — это один из самых любимых и популярных модов для майнкрафта. Теперь появилась возможность играть с этим модом в Minecraft Pocket Edition . Работает на версии 0.9.5.

Новые блоки и рецепты для Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.9.5

Мод IndustrialCraft добавляет огромное количество новых блоков и рецептов.


  • Автолук
  • Гранатомет
  • Новые механизмы
  • Заряд инструментам
  • Наноброня (Пока используется лишь для крафтов)
  • Нефть
  • Резина
  • Джет-пак (Улучшен)
  • Убран дюп у труб (Совет: когда чем-либо тапаете, предметов должно быть меньше стака)

Что в скрипте?

  • Броня
  • Автокарьер
  • Алмазный бур
  • Наносабля
  • Материя
  • Генератор
  • Гаечный ключ
  • Трубы
  • Реактор
  • Электропечь
  • Автолук
  • Гранатомет
  • Наноброня


  • Верстак вылетает (Инструкция по исправлению ниже)
  • Вылет при тапе по зеленой трубе
  • Наномеч не дропает
  • Когда кончается заряд, инструмент не исчезает (Чтобы он исчез, тапните по блоку. Не будьте багоюзером:С)

О неизвестных багах пишите под постом.

Гайд по моду:

  • Для стрельбы из дальнобойного оружия, нужно взять его в руку и нажимать по кнопке «Shot».
  • Чтобы летать на джет-паке, для начала зарядите его, потом возьмите в руку и нажмите кнопку «Вкл».

Новые механизмы:

  • Электропечь (Тап ключом по печке)
  • Реактор (Тап ключом по реактору нижнего мира)
  • Блок урана (Тап Kvant Diamond по адскому камню)

Электропечь : Подведите к одной из сторон электропечи трубу от генератора энергии, с другой — трубу для подачи руд (Золото и железо)
Сверху печи подведите трубу к сундуку
Генератор подает энергию на печь, и та начинает работать. Руда поступает в нее и превращается в слитки. Слитки идут по трубам в сундук.

Дробитель работает также, как и печь. Отличие в том, что он перемалывает слитки золота и железа. Чтобы его получить — тап ключом по каменному верстаку.

Реактор : Сделайте конструкцию 3х3х3 из блоков урана. Посередине в нее поставьте реактор. От него отведите трубы для вырабатывания и подачи энергии. Аккуратно: если реактор перегреется, будет бооольшооой взрыв. Поэтому вместо блоков урана можно ставить блоки воды для охлаждения. Проверять температуру реактора часами.

Чтобы получить резину, засуньте ведро нефти в печку. Из резины можно скрафтить бесполезный нанокостюм xD

Нефть можно вылить из ведра нефти.

Карьер (Тап ключом по обсидиану): Карьер облегчит вам добычу ресурсов. Поставьте его на землю (Можно на блок выше от земли, чтобы видеть эффект) и подведите сбоку трубу от генератора энергии (Угольный, реактор, солнечная панель). Поставьте над блоком автокарьера сундук и любуйтесь процессом.

Генераторы : солнечная панель, угольный генератор и реактор.

  • Угольный генератор — самый дешевый источник энергии, которому требуется уголь. Тапните по блоку угля ключом — и он у вас есть. Отведите от него трубу к механизму и тапайте углем для подачи энергии.
  • Солнечная панель подает энергию днем.

Все генераторы активируются редстоуном.

Зарядка : скрафтите блок из 8 урана и 1 энергитического алмаза. Потом в каменном верстаке скрафтите сам генератор. Поставьте его на землю и зарядите бензином. Далее тапните элементом брони, инструментом или джет-паком по блоку для зарядки.

Руда: Введите команду /ore для генерации руды.

Небольшой гайд по скрипту

В скрипте имеются крафты. Основным предметов является Uranium. Его можно улучшить и скрафтить различные инструменты и броню, разумеется. Руда дропается, если ее сломать алмазной или железной киркой. Руда синего цвета и встречается редко. Броня полностью рабочая. В сапогах вы выше прыгаете, в штанах — быстрее бегаете, в нагруднике — неуязвимы. Я не буду рассказывать крафты, их вы увидите в игре. Если кому-то интересно, я не добавлял новую броню. Я взял за основу кольчугу и улучшил ее.

В моде имеется фатальный баг с крафтами (Это виноват BlockLauncher, я ни при чем)
Верстак вылетает. Как это исправить?

Способ 1 (Первый запуск):

  1. Устанавливаем InduactrialCraft.js
  2. Заходим в мир
  3. Потом выходим в меню
  4. Устанавливаем Крафт.js и снова заходим в мир. Готово!

Способ 2:

Верстак начинает вылетать, если выйти из лаунчера, либо он крашнется. Исправляется это так:

  1. Заходим в лаунчер
  2. Удаляем Крафт.js
  3. Заходим в мир.
  4. «Убиваем» процесс лаунчера в диспетчере задач
  5. Снова заходим в лаунчер
  6. Устанавливаем Крафт.js
  7. Заходим в мир. Верстак работает!

Это геморойно, но зато играть реально

v2.1 (release soon):

b) Compressed air capsules.

Made from empty capsules in the compressor. The capsule can be emptied in the extractor.

c) Added canned food and canning machinery.

d) Added a blast furnace and a solid-fuel heat generator.

e) Steel production.

Now, steel production requires:

1. Heat generator

2. Blast furnace.

3. Compressed air.

At the moment there are 2 types of heat generators: solid fuel and electric. New types will be added in the future. Fuel heat generator consumes any combustible items, like a conventional furnace, and produces 20 thermal energy units. Ash is produced as a by-product. Ashes will be used for fertilizer production.

g) Added the ability to customize the ore generation parameters in the config.

i) Added an utilizer black list. It includes: a glass panel, a stick, all kinds of snow. These items can be recycled, but they do not give a scrap.

v2.0 - Pre-Release 7:

Added ore scanners.

Displays a list of ores in a given radius. For a conventional scanner this is 3 blocks, 6 for improved one.

Reworked drilling rig.

Previously, it was unfinished and dug only down. Now it supports scanners, and digs out nearby ores in a radius depending on the scanner used.

Added scuba helmet and improved microchips for quantum helmet crafting.

Quantum chestplate now extinguishes the owner.

Added sandstone and red sandstone crushing recipes, as well as steps from them.

Added Portuguese translation.

Fixed many bugs such as:

Mechanisms do not drop when breaking with key.

All tool related bugs.

Models of turning mechanisms did not work.

Quantum helmet did not check all inventory slots when it was looking for canned goods.

v2.0 - Pre-Release 6:

Added a hazmat suit.

A scuba helmet uses compressed air capsules from the inventory (obtained in the compressor) to replenish the air supply underwater.

Rubber boots reduce the damage from falling by 8 times.

The complete suit set protects against poisoning and has protection like diamond armor. However, it is better not to wear it for battles with mobs - the suit will break after receiving a total of 64 damage.

A quantum helmet is also now capable of replenishing air reserves, but uses 1000 Eu for this.

Hydrogenerator and windmill crafting recipes changed. Now they need a coil and 2 steel shells for the hydrogenerator.

Crafting recipes:

v2.0 - Pre-Release 5:

Added canning machine. Consume 1 Eu/t, is used to fill cans with food obtained by extruding a tin shell in a metalformer. 1 can restores 1 unit of hunger, but they are eaten all at once. Also, they can be obtained from boxes of recycling with a small chance. If the rotten flesh, spiders eye, poisonous potatoes or raw chicken are preserved, then the description of the object will say: "It looks inedible ...", and the food will have their negative effects.

Added a tank. It stores 16 buckets of liquid, supports upgrades to move objects and liquids.

Added the "Liquid Loader" improvement.

Added a cooling capsule. Crafted from a bubble or water capsule and 4 tin plates. Used for accelerator crafting.

Added an utilizer black list. It includes: a glass panel, a stick, all kinds of snow. These items can be recycled, but they do not give a scrap.

The MFSU storage increased from 40 to 60 million EU. Now you will have more powerful sources of energy to fill it.

Added recipes for the enrichment of uranium ore in thermal centrifuge.

When processing lead ore in a thermal centrifuge, silver is obtained instead of copper as an additional product.

When falling with a jetpack, damage is calculated based on the fall speed.

Improved arrangement of elements in mechanisms interfaces (alignment in the center, etc.).

v2.0 - Pre-Release 4:

This technical update fixes a lot of bugs and contains long-overdue changes.

Added ChargeItem library for compatibility of objects storing energy from different IC mods.

The rendering methods of machine models are moved to the MachineRender library.

Now, the ore generation will be turned off if it is already added by another mod using the Flags library to add unique actions.

Increased the amount of lead and uranium ore in worlds.

The mechanisms improvements did not work.

The solar panels did not work.

The composite glass was opaque.

The old energy distribution system is returned because of bugs.

Wires, lamps and other incomplete blocks disappeared in the distance.

Wires no longer connect to the iron furnace.

v2.0 - Pre-Release 3:

Added electrolamp, consumes 0.25 Eu/t and has a storage 5000 Ee, which is enough for almost a day"s work. Turned on/off by pressing the block. It is needed for the night vision goggles crafting.

The energy between the mechanisms is evenly distributed.

Battery icons show the amount of energy stored in them.

Saving additional item data.

Added hover mode for jetpack and quantum chestplate. In this mode, the player slowly falls down without getting any damage.

Added the ability to change the size of the armor buttons in the config.

The speed of running in quantum pants became even faster.

Latex droplets now appear on certain blocks of hevea, and are not saved during their extraction

Added alternative crafting recipes (for example, obsidian from 2 water capsules and 2 lava capsules).

Fixed thermal centrifuge crafting.

Fixed fluid loss when using the improved "Liquid Pusher".

Scanners, mining laser and drilling rig will be completed in the release version.

v2.0 - Pre-Release 2:

Added a pump. At the moment it can extract only a block of water under itself, in the future the functionality will be expanded. Power consumption - 1 Eu/t, working time - 1 sec. If you add an Ejector Liquid improvement, it can send water to an ore washing plant.

Added thermal centrifuge. Used for refining crushed ore from impurities of other metals. Is the only way to get silver.

Requires silver dust for fiberglass crafting.

The solar panel has an interface in which you can charge items.

The matter generator can be turned off using the redstone signal.

Ability to drain liquid from capsules.

The generation of copper and tin ores has become closer to the PC version.

Batbox can be obtained by hand, also fixed a bug when the wrench did not spend strength, and the electric wrench did not spend energy to dismantle it.

The ToolType library has been updated.

A lot of bug fixes.

v2.0 - Pre-Release:

Added crushed ores, refined crushed ores, small piles of dust, silver.

Added ore washing plant. Allows you to get more resources from the crushed ore, uses water. Consumes 8 Eu/t.

Added animation for mechanisms. It changes when the mechanism is turned on.

Added recipes for obtaining rubber from hevea seeds and bleaching the wool in the extractor.

Added recipes for compressing resources and bricks into blocks and sand into sandstone for compressor.

Added recipe for crushing ice into 4 snowballs.

Bug fixes and optimization.

The pump, the thermal centrifuge, the scanners and the mining laser are in the creative inv, however they can not be crafted and used yet.

Also, all opaque blocks are changed to another specialty, so they will not conflict with blocks from other IC mods (forestry e.g.), they no longer disappear in the distance and various objects (doors, plates, etc.) can be put on them, however such change break your old worlds.

Previous versions:

Very soon the Inner Core 1.1 update will be released which fixes most of the problems, so the development is resumed and 2.0 will be released soon after Inner Core. Update 2.0 contains the innovations planned for v1.10:
Mining Laser.
Mechanisms animation (like the furnace).

Ore processing which is one of the main innovations of the experimental version on PC:
Uranium is mined as ore.
Added silver, used for crafting of glass fibre cable, can be obtained only in a thermal centrifuge. However, if some mod adds silver ore, it can be processed in mechanisms.
When crushing ore, grinded ore is obtained instead of dust, it can also be melted into ingots.

Ore washing plant.
It uses water to rinse the crushed ore, producing purified crushed ore, rock dust (so far has no application), and 2 small piles of dust of the same metal, with the exception of lead and uranium ores.

Thermal centrifuge.
Used to remove impurities of other metals from crushed ore. In the future, it will be used to enrich uranium.

Crushed tin and copper ore can be used for crafting bronze dust.

IndustrialCraft on smartphones goes to version 2.0 as once IndustrialCraft on PC. If before it was something average between the classic and experimental version of IC² for PC, now it will be a fully ported experimental version thanks to Inner Core.


New energy system

Energy calculations are more accurate, and restrictions on the size of the object storage are removed. Therefore, all the main changes of the experimental version related to energy were ported:

2) Increased MFE storage up to 4M of energy, and MFSU to 40M.
3) Advanced battery for 100K of energy and a bronze energy storage for 300K.Also soon will be added new knapsacks: bronze (600K) and energy-crystal (2M).

Sulfur is needed for crafting of an advanced battery, obtained in extractor from gunpowder.
- Pieces of ores are removed, because Inner Core allows you to add recipes to the furnace with blocks from mods. In addition, it facilitates the addition of the ore-scrubbing machine and the thermal centrifuge in the future.
- Thin wire models are similar to the PC version, while walking through them is impossible, as it was before with the optical fiber, because the physical form is not tied to their thickness.
- All the mechanisms have textures from the experimental version.
- Geothermal generator has a storage for 10 000 Eu, and soon there will be a slot for charging items.

Added a set of improvements (MFE to MFSU).
To use, you need to sit and press the block.
Windmill and hydro-generator did not give energy - Fixed.
Lava buckets combustion time is reduced from 20 000 to 2 000 ticks.
A bucket of lava can no longer be used in a generator.
Waste and waste blocks can be used as fuel, give 870 and 7870 Eu, respectively.

Ore generation is ported to Inner Core methods, which makes it faster and closer to the PC version.
New and more intuitive interface of the drilling rig.

Fixed the display of the amount of energy in the electric wrench and electric saw.
The amount of energy was not rounded up in the generator and the geothermal generator.
Fixed replacement of steps, slabs and other incomplete blocks with a torch.
Iron furnace, ores and metal blocks could be extracted by hand.

Animation for mechanisms will be added in the next update.

The code is compiled into the java bytecode, which speeds up the work several times.
The torch from the inventory will be placed after pressing the drill on the block.
The armor buttons no longer block other buttons and sounds.
Finally, fixed energy packs: they no longer cause errors and are charged many times faster.
Fixed appearance of single blocks of Hevea foliage.
Fixed drill pipes crafting.

In the next update, wait for the animation of the work of the mechanisms and the generation on the Inner Core methods.

Fixed bug with jetpacks.
Fixed the items names with energy storage in crafting table.
Fixed "Loader" improvement.
Fixed discharge and charge of quantum armor.

Nano armor now consumes 800 Eu for 1 damage, and quantum armor = 900 Eu.
- Nano-saber in hand consumes 64 Eu/t.
- Electric hoe can plow podzol.
- Fixed the inability to break the blocks with an electric saw.
- Fixed the inability to craft a geothermal generator in the survival mode.

The objects show the amount of their energy, and the iridium drill also has its mode.
Fixed incorrect display of the names of some items in the crating table.
Added debug mode in which a debugging item is available and also it shows the amount of energy required for teleportation when using a teleporter. Disabled by default. Improved translation.
Fixed bugs when generating hevea and increased their maximum number to 5 in one chunk.
Fixed the lower texture of the crusher and matter generator.
The Nano-saber energy storage was increased to 1 million Eu.
Fixed minor bugs of the iron furnace.

Changed energybackpacks and added new ones:

1. For crafting the backpacks, planks are needed instead of a tin ingot + new textures.
2. Added an advanced battery pack (600K).
3. Added energy backpack (2M).
4. Lappack now stores 10M, requires an energy backpack for crafting (exclusively for PE version).

You can not charge items in your hand - fixed.
Nano and quantum armor is discharged when taking damage by 40 and 30 Eu per damage unit, respectively. Discharge when using abilities is also fixed. Added discharge when taking damage for quantum and nano-boots. In addition, damage absorption is now implemented as in the PC version.
New Jet pack texture is at a higher resolution from the experimental version.
Mechanisms can no longer be obtained by hand.

Fixed 3x3 mode of the Iridium drill.
Geothermal generator spends lava during the generation of energy.
Added slot for charging things in the geothermal generator.

IndustrialCraft will receive an update 2.0 due to the soon release of the new launcher, which replaces Core Engine. This is due not only to the update for the new platform, but also to the new content that it allows to implement.

It will be impossible to break the energy armor even in the center of a nuclear explosion, which is especially useful for knapsacks and night vision goggles that will not be discharged from damage. Discharging nano and quantum armor will be written later with the new function, and it will be better and more accurate than now, when armor breaks itself.
New energy storage system:
The date of the item is in the 16-bit variable in Minecraft, because of what there is a limit of 32767, which is extremely uncomfortable. To store energy, it was necessary to set a certain amount of energy in correspondence with one damage, for example 10, which created difficulties in the calculations. Most importantly, it did not allow the creation of armor, storing a large amount of energy.
In , the date of the item is a 32-bit variable, which means it can store more than 2 billion numbers, which allows you to store energy at once in a date and removes all restrictions.

The energy system of the experimental version:

The absence of restrictions allows the developer to port the IC2 experimental changes related to energy.
1) A tenfold increase for the energy crystal storage, a lazurotrone crystal, and everything that can be crafted from them.
2) The ability to realize voltage as in the experimental version.
3) New knapsacks: bronze (600K) and energy crystal (2M). The developer may not remove the lapis knapsack as an exclusive, but make an energy storage of 10 million eU for it and also add a lazurotrone crystal for crafting. Ore remelting:

Inner Core allows you to add recipes with blocks from mods to the furnace, which means that the pieces of ore are no longer needed.


Batteries will change their texture depending on the amount of energy in them. More information about the 2.0 update will appear later when the developer starts working.

What will happen with IndustrialCraft for Core Engine?

Soon, there will be an update 1.10. Then selective support for some mods is possible.

It"s time to start an open beta testing update 1.10. This will be the last major update for Core Engine, then the mod will be ported to .

We"re working on a teleporter. You may have a question: what does it do in the mine update? So, it"s needed for crafting an improved drilling rig. Since this is the most simple update mechanism, I decide to start with it. To connect teleporters you need a frequency binder. Teleportation occurs when sending redstone signal, the energy is taken from a nearby storage.
Added iridium ore. It"s very rare, the ore block is generated with a probability of 20% in the chunk at a height of 1 to 100 blocks. You""ll need a tool like a diamond pick or better for mining.
Now experience drops from uranium ore.
Requires an improved electrical circuit instead of the usual one for a lazurotron crystal.

Upd. The latest development: IDrill.
- The iridium body allows you to extract blocks 1.5 times faster than a diamond drill.
- Powerful 100k rechargeable battery.
- Energy consumption - 400 Eu / block.
- 4 operating modes: 1) Fortune 3 mode; 2) Silk touch; 3) 3x3 Fortune 3 mode; 4) 3x3 Slik touch mode.
- New crafting recipe.

Upd. Teleport, more details.
The teleporter should be placed close to any energy storage, from there it will take energy. To communicate teleporters, use a frequency binder. Take the first teleporter and click on the second to connect them. Several teleporters can be connected to each other to create a network.
Teleportation occurs when a redstone signal is applied. Unlike the PC version, the teleporter is stable with the buttons when teleporting for long distances, since there is a delay of 12 ticks between teleports. All mobs and items within a 1 block radius around the teleporter can also be teleported. Energy is taken from the neighboring energy storage, since the energy expenditure for teleportation is very high.
Fixed the following bugs:
The jetpack store was 5 times smaller than needed.
Lamb was not roasted in furnaces.
The beta version 1.10 will be released this week, the release is scheduled for next week.

What will be in the release:

Ore scanners.
Improved drilling machine.
Mining laser?

Added a fiberglass wire, as well as a different thickness of wires. It is no different from the others, because there is no mechanic voltage so there is no resistance at all. However, these wires are only needed for crafting.
Geothermal generator now stores 8 buckets of lava, not 16 as before.
Fixed bugs during the transfer of energy.

This is the latest update in version 1.09.

Now the energyLib library is used, the energy distribution is much more optimized and there is the possibility of interacting with other mods.
The Tool types library has been updated.
(Bug fixes): Tools of the same type have the same properties.
Electric wrench is now discharged after crafting.

Quantum pants now increase speed when running. Previously used button is removed.
Buttons are reduced and can not be closed due to a bug when closing the armor buttons. In this way they will always be open and do not interfere.
Fixed the strength of the quantum and nano armor.
Electric saw now extracts foliage and wool.
When the Hevea wood breaks down, neighboring foliage falls down.

Tool Types library has been updated:
Fixed a drop of colored burnt clay, dispenser, cauldron, potions and funnel.
Fixed the speed of breaking some blocks with a sword.

1. Added composite armor from the Hi-techCraft add-on. It has a level of protection and strength almost the same as that of diamond armor.
2. Added reinforced blocks (stone and glass). They can withstand any explosion, even an explosion of a nuclear reactor when it is added. In addition, these blocks will be used in crafting recipes, in particular for crafting the quantum helmet.
3. Added a wrench and an electric wrench. Now you can take only a generator and an iron furnace with your hand or a pickaxe. The generator, iron furnace, engine or improved engine block falls out when all other mechanisms are broken, depending on the components of which the mechanism consists. You need to dismantle the mechanism with a wrench or an electric wrench to get it whole.
- Wrench. It has strength for 17 dismantling. There is a 20% chance that dismantling will fail and the mechanism will break.
- Electric wrench. Stores 10 000 Eu, spends 500 Eu for dismantling. Unlike a wrench, it can dismantle any mechanism without failures.
4. Fixed:
Protection of bronze armor. Strength is now 10% less than that of iron armor, similar to iron tools.
Fixed bug when the UpgradeAPI was not imported.
Logs of acacia and dark oak can not be burned in a furnace.
Unbreakable tools.

1. Added metalformer.
2. Improvements for mechanisms.

A metalworker is a mechanism for creating wires, plates and shells. The energy consumption is 10 Eu/t. The operation time is 10 sec. It has 3 modes: rolling, cutting and extrusion.

3. This Update will contain the following improvements: Accelerator, Red Stone Signal Inverter, Ejector, Loader" and Power Guard possibly. These improvements allow you to create compact systems of mechanisms and increase their speed by increasing energy consumption.
The accelerator reduces the operating time by 30% due to an increase in power consumption by 60%.
The ejector releases the result into next chest or mechanism.
The liquid ejector is not in use at this time.
The loader takes objects from a nearby chest or mechanism.

By default, the Ejector, Liquid Ejector and Loader improvements work with any possible side. To select one side for work, sneak and tap on the desired side of the mechanism. Repeated tapping on any block resets the settings.

4. Translation into Spanish and Chinese prepared by mc.maja.
5. Geothermal generator recipe has been fixed.
6. Solar panel recipe is simplified, since it gives little energy. Now the engine block is used instead of the generator which is more logical because it has nothing to do with it.
7. Now you can craft bronze dust and insulated wires in your hand.
8. Added new crafting recipes (see below).

1. Compatible with .
2. Jetpack is done and working.
3. Now it can fly, full charge is enough for 300 seconds.
4. New metal blocks.
5. Capsules.
6. Hydrogenerator changes: There are 2 modes of operation (hydroelectric power station (in rivers) and tidal power station (in oceans)).
The generator generates 2.5 Eu/t in rivers. Energy production depends on the tides and ebbs in oceans. Therefore 4 is the maximum number of peaks of generation as tides. It produces 0 - 3.25 Eu/t, but in the end you will get about the same energy as in rivers on average per day.
7. Optimization of ore generation, the ability to disable it in the config.
8. Now the quantum armor is discharged when using abilities and absorbs negative effects.
9. New iron furnace textures.
10. Mechanisms characteristics (power consumption, operating time, induction furnace operation algorithm) are changed as in the PC version.
11. Bug fixes.

  • 5 new ores.
  • 39 mechanisms and a variety of items.
  • Beautiful and user friendly interface of many mechanisms.
  • Automatic extraction of any resource.
  • The work and storage of liquids (barrels, pipes and pumps).
  • The possibility of transporting items between chests and mechanisms will connect the mechanisms to the network.
  • The energy from which most of the works. Produced by the generators t is transported on the wire.
  • Electrical tools, weapons and quantum armour.
  • Beekeeping.
  • Nuclear bomb.
  • 6 new fluids, 1 of them you can pour into the world like water.

    Hevea or rubber tree:
    Generated in the world with a small probability, only in biomes where there is grass. In the new versions very frequently generated in the forests, jungles and swamps. Is used to produce latex and rubber. Can be grown artificially. Most often appears in the woods, jungles or swamps.
    The seedling of rubber trees (486) - drops out of the foliage of rubber tree. Used in the grower of rubber trees for cultivation new gevey. Grows about 10 minutes.

    Rarely is generated in the world because lakes with a fountain in the middle, generation more often in deserts. Looks like a dark liquid, possesses the properties of water: flowing, it is possible to swim and drown, in contact with the lava turns to stone. You can transfer using a bucket or pump to pump. Appear more frequently in the deserts.

    Wild hives:
    Rarely is generated on the surface. Tapping on it will take off 2 bees. Break it out then the bees will drop the Queen and the drone.
    Bees can exist only with difficulty!

    Mixed ore - rarely generated, average deposits of no higher than level 20, mined iron or diamond pickaxe or drill. Redstone"m dropping iron dust, gold dust, uranium and rare lapis lazuli.

    Uranium ore - rarely generated, small deposits of no higher than level 48, mined iron or diamond pickaxe or drill. Uranium"m dropping and 50% of iron dust. Uranium is needed to craft effective uranium rods.

    Iridium ore - rarely generated, 1 small field in 3-4 chunks. If you find it you are very lucky. mined iron or diamond pickaxe or drill. "m dropping a piece of iridium and 50% gold dust, 2 pieces is 1 iridium ingot.

    Copper is very common below level 30. mined by a stone pickaxe and above

    Tin is often found below level 30. mined by a stone pickaxe and above

    Bees - sometimes only appear on difficulty. Fly low, if they strike will begin very quickly fly away from the player. When the death of them falls bee drone(drone). Health - 5.

    Mechanisms are blocks that perform some action, being in the world. For example to produce energy, handle the objects, collect resources, etc.

    GUI Mechanisms:
    Some mechanisms have interface. With it the movement you can put items or take them from him. The interface can be one or more slots. In order to access the interface, simply click on the mechanism. To put an item in the slot mechanism, we must first choose the slot, and then press the button with the blue arrow. To take an item from the first slot select the slot and then press it.

    Left in the interface has an energy bar that shows how filled the internal storage mechanism.

    The interface has masticator, electric furnace, extractor, centrifuge, heat exchanger, fuel, generator, geothermal generator, barrels, bee hives, bat boxes, and MFE.

    If the mechanism to break, then the items will fall out.

    The energy produced by the mechanisms-generators, and is transmitted through the wires attached to the mechanisms. Several wired devices form a network. All the energy produced is evenly distributed on all the mechanisms in the network that are not the generator resistance.
    Mechanisms are not able to transfer energy without wires, even if you are next!
    Many use energy mechanisms there are internal store at which to stock up on unused energy and later be used by the mechanism. The amount of stored energy in the mechanism, click on it with the key or looking at the scale in the GUI, if it has one mechanism.
    Each generator has a parameter output - its voltage. The voltage is determined by the maximum voltage of the generator. If the voltage is above the limit of any device or wires, they will burn.
    The voltage can be changed using transformers. The transformer has one high voltage output and low voltage 5, deploy them by using the key. The transformer changes the voltage with the passage of energy through it. If the voltage of more high voltage output, the transformer will burn.

    Types of transformers:
    Low-voltage 32V 128В
    Medium voltage 128В 512В
    High voltage 512В 2048В
    Voltage and resistance by default is disabled how to enable, read the end of the instructions!

    Wire - sets the power wire, chains of these blocks connect mechanisms in power grid. The wire has resistance, which will determine the energy loss per unit wire.
    Types of wires:
    Copper - limit voltage 32V, resistance - 1/5.
    Golden - limit voltage 128В, resistance - 2/5.
    Crystal limit voltage 512В, resistance - 1/20.
    Steel - limit voltage 2048В, resistance - 1.
    Superprotonic - no limit voltage and resistance

    Storage of energy (bat-box, id 210, MFE, id 235, MFSU, id 252) - can store energy 40000 baht-Boxing, 600000 - MFE, 10000000 - MPS. Transmits power to the grid until it fills the internal energy storage of all devices. Too there are single-slot interface, need to charge the items.
    The output voltage, limit voltage:
    bat-box 32V
    MPE 128В
    MFSU exit 256, the limit 512В

    The key (wrench, id 500) - allows you to watch the energy levels in the mechanisms. At the reactor shows the heat, at the lighthouse toggles between the generator of matter shows the process of creating matter, etc.
    Allows you to enable and disable mechanisms. By default, all mechanisms are enabled. For on/off tap the key on the mechanism or just hover over it. Top button will appear that will show enabled or disabled. With it happening on/off.
    Pressing the key turns the mechanism. Turn performs only a decorative role!

    The generator is a mechanism that produces energy and sends it to the network. The generator can"t generate power, only to give.

    Solar panel (solar pannel, id 209) is the simplest generator produces a day 20 energy/sec, if no top blocks, takarajimasha light. Voltage 20V

    Fuel generator (fuel generator, id 211) - Has an interface with 1 slot for fuel. Works like the furnace, only produces energy. Internal storage - 10000 energy. The boards/wood is 750 energy per unit of fuel, poles/saplings - 250, coal - 4000, a bucket of lava - 10000. Voltage 32V.

    Nuclear reactor, about him below ...

    Windmill (windmill, id 219)- installation height above 64 (above sea level) produces the more energy, the more air units in the area 9х9х9 around the wind turbine and the higher it is. A maximum of 100 energy/sec. Does not store energy. Voltage from 0 to 100V

    Water mill (watermill, id 220) - produces the more energy, the more blocks of water in the area 3х3х3 around her. A maximum of 8 energy/sec. Does not store energy. The voltage of 8V.

    Geothermal generator - (geotermal generator, id 221) - has an internal storage of 16 lava buckets. Uses 1 bucket of lava within 50 seconds and generates 20 energy/sec. Stops if energy has nowhere to pass. Can pour lava from the barrel above it in yourself, or lava can be poured through the interface, putting in its slot of the bucket with lava. Voltage 32V.

    Oil generator has internal storage for any liquid in 16 buckets. Uses some liquid to generate energy. 1 bucket is processed 50 seconds. Has an interface with 1 slot for a bucket of liquid. Can receive liquid from the barrel above it.
    Oil 8000 energy/bucket
    Lava 5000 energy/bucket
    Petrol 16000 energy/bucket
    Biomass 10000 energy/bucket
    Voltage 32V

    Spanner - allows you to view information about the mechanisms and enable/disable them - just hover the mouse pointer over mechanism with the key in hand, in the upper right corner there will be information button. Also allows you to configure some of the mechanisms and rotate them with a tap on it.

    Capsules - the subject in which you can store any liquid, as capsules, as empty stakeouts of 16 pieces. Capsules can be used as buckets/bottles in any of the mechanisms. But to drink from the capsules and pour the liquid from them is impossible.
    Iron, gold tin and copper dust in the masticator is obtained from the ore. melted into ingots, are also a component of lights and elements of the reactor.

    Copper and tin ingots and components, craft wire and some machinery.

    Steel ingot - the most basic element of crafting. Need to craft a machine block, circuits and many mechanisms. Is obtained from steel ingot.

    Engine block component of most mechanisms. Can be disassembled into steel ingots.

    Conventional and improved chip - craft components of tools and objects.

    Wire - sets the power wire, also falls with him. Now the wire in the inventory is subject. Is also a component for crafting circuits.

    The reactor module (reactor module, 507) - is used for crafting advanced tools and items.

    Matter (uu-matter, 508) is produced in the generator matter. It can be crafted very much, but the main focus is the crafting of iridium.

    Iridium (iridium, 496), a component for crafting nanocable and iridium plates

    Iridium plate - component quantum armor.

    Latex (485) is going through the faucet from rubber trees, is used to obtain rubber.

    Rubber(488) - material for the wires and rubber helmet.

    The coal dust obtained in the masticator from coal, we need to create guledani.

    The composite ingot is needed to create the composite in the compressor

    Carbon - need for creation of carbon in the compressor.

    Not a frozen concrete - is necessary for the creation of the compressed concrete in the compressor

    Composite - needed for crafting of laser and iridium composite.

    The fiber - needed for crafting of nanobone

    Compressed concrete is needed to fill a concrete paver on the bench

    Coal ball (coal ball) - need for crafting coal blocks.

    Lump of coal (rock coal) - is used in the compressor to create diamonds.

    Features of the script and how to troubleshoot:

    In any unclear situation return in the world.
    No the device does not support double chests. Ie the trunk will be considered complete if will be filled first 27 slots. the remaining slots will not participate in the treatment.
    If you press the movement key that is written "not activated", or the mechanism simply does not work, click on the Redstone mechanism.
    If you think that the energy is not transmitted by wire or objects on the pipes, then reinstall the pipes/wires that transmit energy
    When you install a script during the game (not main menu) it will not work, appears that the script is disabled. To activate the reset world.
    If the GUI does not appear, or does not work correctly use the app from the archive with the mod. It correctly installs the files GUI regardless of whether there is Internet or not.

    Working with configuration file:

    The configuration file of the mod is located at /games/com.mojang/factorization.options
    Each adjustment has 3 values:
    true - enabled
    false - disabled
    fancy - depends on the configuration of the improved graphics
    The settings:
    -armor_safe_mode is a very important setting, enabled by default. Off quantum/nano armor, because that armor may crash on many devices. Can try to turn it off.
    version_code version of the configuration file. The change will restore the configuration by default.
    barrel_liquid_animation - shows whether the liquid in the barrels
    pipe_item_animation - animation of objects in the pipes
    test_pipe_liquid_animation - test animation of the fluid in the pipes. Disabled by default, so it causes strain and it has bugs.
    liquid_engine_animation animation work liquid-fuel generator
    overpowered_machine_explosion - enables/disables the explosion of the mechanisms and wires at tall voltage
    resistance - enables/disables the resistance
    debug - enables/disables debug mode (in debug mode shows the performance time of one tick, the tick mechanism etc in milliseconds


  • armor will not work with connected players
  • any animation will be visible only to the host
  • many add-ons work in multiplayer
  • Installation Factorization / IndustrialCraft:

  • Install
  • Put "industrial-craft" to the folder "games/com.mojang/mods"
  • Install ICRender.apk
  • Restart
  • Просмотров: 1540 | Дата: 16-03-2018, 00:13

    IndustrialCraft PE-это глобальный мод для MCPE,который является очень точной копией IndustrialCraft. Он содержит основные механизмы, генераторы и энергию.


    1. Текстура, интерфейс и механизмы выполнены точно так же, как в ic2 classic;
    2. Совместимость со всеми другими модами ядра двигателя, включая THAUMCRAFT PE.
    3. Это бета-версия. Он содержит относительно небольшое недочеты и может содержать ошибки.

    Новости развития:

    Все это будет добавлено в следующей версии, пожалуйста, будьте терпеливы.
    - Исправлена экономия энергии во время крафта.
    - Рецепты изготовления солнечной панели, геотермального генератора, индукционной печи очень похожи на MCPC.
    - Исправлен рецепт экстрактора, теперь вы не можете использовать для него ранее использованные древовиды.
    - Исправлена невозможность взимать elec-treetap. - Правильное отображение электрических вещей в творчестве.

    v2.0 - Pre-Release 2:

    Добавлен насос. На данный момент он может извлечь только блок воды под себя, в будущем функциональность будет расширена. Потребляемая мощность - 1 Eu/t, время работы - 1 сек. Если вы добавляете улучшение выталкивателю жидкости, то оно может послать воду к заводу штуфа.

    Добавлена термическая центрифуга. Используется для переработки измельченной руды от примесей других металлов. Это единственный способ получить серебро.
    Панель солнечных батарей имеет интерфейс, в котором вы можете заряжать предметы.
    Генератор вещества можно отключить с помощью сигнала редстоуна.
    Возможность слива жидкости (лава,вода) из капсул.
    Генерация медных и оловянных руд стала ближе к ПК-версии.
    Батбокс можно получить вручную, также исправлена ошибка, когда гаечный ключ не тратил силы, а электрический ключ не тратил энергию на его демонтаж.


    Добавлены дробленые руды, рафинированные дробленые руды, мелкие отвалы пыли, серебро.
    Добавлен обогатительный комбинат. Позволяет получать больше ресурсов из измельченной руды, использует воду. Потребляет 8 Eu / t.
    Добавлена анимация для механизмов. Он меняется при включении механизма.
    Добавлены рецепты получения каучука из семян гевеи и отбеливания шерсти в экстракторе.
    Добавлены рецепты сжатия ресурсов и кирпичей в блоки и песка в песчаник для компрессора.
    Добавлен рецепт дробления льда на 4 Снежка.
    Исправление ошибок и оптимизация.

    Насос, термальная центробежка, блоки развертки и лазер минирования в творческом inv, тем не менее их нельзя произвести и использовать пока.

    Кроме того, все непрозрачные блоки заменяются на другую специальность, поэтому они не будут конфликтовать с блоками из других модов IC (например, лесное хозяйство), они больше не исчезают на расстоянии и различных объектах (двери, пластины и т. д.).) можно поставить на них, однако такие перемены сломают ваши старые миры.
